What is Ken Docs?

Ken Docs is an official record of kendama competition results, comprehensive player profiles, and the accomplishments of the best players in the world. It is designed to be an accessible and reliable resource for players of all skill levels, as well as a means to preserve kendama culture.

What are the qualifications to get my own profile?

Updated 03/25/23

1.) A player must place 3rd or better in a Pro division competition from one of our verified active events. In most instances, the Pro division is Open or Freestyle. Other formats such as K.E.N. / D.A.M.A. and Speed Ladder may also apply to specific competitions. Edit competitions are exempt from profile qualification.*

2.) A player must have made significant contributions to kendama in terms of advancement of the game, culture, competitive scene, or industry.

*Female division profile qualifications are 3rd place or better in either Advanced or Pro division. Edit competitions are exempt from profile qualification. Official standards for all profiles may vary depending on event.

What countries does Ken Docs document?

Ken Docs currently covers the US, Canada, Japan, and parts of Europe. We have large plans to expand internationally. If your event or country isn’t in yet, it is only a matter of time, and you can always send us an email with any information you have. We want to include players from everywhere and of all backgrounds.

I would like to submit a change or correction to either a competition or a player profile. How do I do that?

Accuracy is a top priority for us. We want to ensure that all of our information is reliable and accurate, so feel free to contact us at contact@kendocs.com if you notice a correction that needs to be made.

For any other inquiries, feel free to contact us at: