New Year New Edit Contest
Competition Status: Active
January 1st-31st, 2024
Online via Instagram and YouTube
As both the Terra Anniversary and Grip New Year’s Contest made their exit out of the virtual competitive scene, Rodney Ansell took it upon himself to create a new annual edit contest. Contestants are given a time frame in which their edit/entry must stay within and are judged on a variety of categories based on the sponsors for the current year. Each sponsor is responsible for creating their own category and judging, after which they select one winner. With so many avenues a contestant can choose, the contest is very approachable for players of all skill levels, and always promises entertaining and innovative content.
Est. 2021
Location: Online
Platform(s): YouTube, Instagram
Host(s): Rodney Ansell
Two Minute Edit
Shunta “Ponto” Goto - Sol Kendamas Wholesome Award
George Marshall - RodDama Award, KUSA Lens Flare Award, Dama Nerds Jam Track Award, DealWithIt Team Award
Adrien Stella - Happy Reaction Award, Kendama ISR Award, Cereal Kendama Breakfast B-Roll Award, Rage Quit Biggest Flex Award, Alex Smith Choice Award
Ross Ingram - Kendama Kentei Award
Misumi Nakao - Citadel Award, GT Advancement of the META Award
Peter Ramos - Su Lab Award
Colin Hislop - Da Originz Award, Missu’s Choice Award
Braedon Butler - Sweets Banger Background Award
“Melt” - Analog Award
“Dama Doc” - Quill Hardest Downspike Award, Dama Nerds Jam Track Award
Isaac Hill - Analog Award
Adrian Esteban - Analog Award, Krom Award, Alex Smith Award
“Aventiss” - ClotheTheWorld Best Dressed Award
MJ Incro - Handplan Award, Kengarden Story Telling Award, Alex Smith Award
Shunta “Ponto” Goto
George Marshall
Adrien Stella
Ross Ingram
Misumi Nakao
Peter Ramos
Colin Hislop
Braedon Butler
“Dama Doc”
Isaac Hill
Adrian Esteban
MJ Incro
Location: Online
Platform(s): YouTube, Instagram
Host(s): Rodney Ansell
Two Minute Edit
Nicole Pika - Dao-Da Messenger Award, The Citadel Award, Kendama ISR Synced Up Award, Cereal Kendama Best Post Lace Celebration, Rod’s Picks
Mr. Poe - Zawa’s Fuckin’ Award, Rage Quit Biggest Flex, AE ‘Didn’t see that coming’ Award
“JoJo” - Cafe Kendama More Than a Ball and Cup Award, Most Unconventional Trick, Rod’s Picks
Adrien Stella - Hand Plan Award, Alissa’s Otaku Award, Kendertainment Best Bounce Award
Hanson Truong - Su Lab Incredible Trick Award, ClotheTheWorld Best Dressed Award, Luzumaki Maki Award
Elijah Lane - New Laced Finish Strong Award, DWI Team Choice Award, AE ‘Didn’t see that coming’ Award, Occult Kendamas Steeze Award
“Kyte” - Spiffy Toys Best Friend Award
Emil Postol - Spiffy Toys Best Friend Award
Yua Yuno - Grain Theory Advancement of the META Award, AE ‘Didn’t see that coming’ Award, Nativ Most Creative Stall Line
Teodore Fiorina - Krom World Champ’s Choice Award, KUSA Lens Flare Award, Terra Smith’s Choice Award
Hiroto Nonaka - Kendama ISR Synced Up Award, Quad Kendamas Most Tricks in a Line Award
“Real Kendama Kid” - Sourmash Art Beast Award
Zack Gallagher - EVO Dama Shot Award
Grady Conder - 430/Jac Kendama NOB Choice Award
William Schlageter - Time Kendama Slow Mo Award
Quincy Jankins - Occult Kendamas Steeze Award, AKA Natural Beauty Award
Rudny Mateusz - Occult Kendamas Steeze Award
“Nowa and Kaito” - Gloken Happy Reaction Award
“Finnjamming” - Kendama Kentei Award
Brandon Queen - Colorado Kendama Non-Dama Hand Technique Award
“Gage” - Luzumaki Maki Award, Sol Out of This World Trick Award
“MJ” - Forest Fire Customs Close but No Cigar Award
Isaac Hill - Analog Best Natty Line
“Kennabis” - Lotus Armstrong Award
Nicole Pika
Mr. Poe
Adrien Stella
Elijah Lane
Emil Postol
Yua Yuno
Teodore Fiorina
Hiroto Nonaka
“Real Kendama Kid”
Zack Gallagher
Grady Conder
William Schlageter
Quincy Jankins
Rudny Mateusz
“Nowa and Kaito”
Brandon Queen
Isaac Hill